Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition affecting pregnant women which causes intractable nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. While the exact cause remains unclear, this condition is thought to be caused by rapidly rising hormone levels like HCG and estrogen during the first trimester. Another potential cause may include an increased incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), … Read more

Labor and Delivery: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

Labor is a series of contractions that help with dilation and effacement of the cervix to allow the fetus to move through the birth canal and out of the vagina. Labor usually begins around the EDD (expected date of delivery), but no one can predict exactly when it will start. Stages of Labor Labor can … Read more

Preterm Labor: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

Premature or preterm labor is described as early labor occurring before 37 weeks gestation. While preterm labor does not necessarily result in a preterm birth, immediate medical attention is needed to prevent complications. If preterm labor results in preterm delivery, the baby will be born premature and may have serious health problems like underdeveloped lungs, … Read more

Breastfeeding: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

Breastfeeding or nursing is the practice of feeding your baby with breast milk directly from the breast. Experts recommend that new mothers exclusively breastfeed their child within the first 6 months after birth and continue through the infant’s first year of life if possible. The frequency of breastfeeding will depend on the baby’s size and … Read more

C-Section: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

A Cesarean section (C-section) is the surgical removal of the baby from the abdomen. C-sections may be elective or required due to emergency complications. There are several reasons a baby cannot or should not be delivered vaginally. For instance, a Cesarean delivery is frequently advised if the patient has a history of uterine rupture or … Read more

Placenta Previa: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Placenta previa is a condition in pregnancy characterized by the implantation of the placenta in the lower part of the uterus covering a part or all of the opening of the cervix. This condition can result in bleeding during pregnancy or during the delivery of the baby.  The placenta provides the growing fetus with nutrients … Read more

Pregnancy: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg (ovum) develops into a fetus inside a woman’s uterus. When counting from the first day of the last regular menstrual cycle, pregnancy lasts roughly 40 weeks. The body goes through amazing changes to prepare for birth by that time. Stages of Pregnancy Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters: Fetal … Read more

Preeclampsia: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

Preeclampsia is a serious complication that occurs during pregnancy, affecting 5-7% of pregnancies worldwide. It is characterized by new-onset high blood pressure (> 140/90 mmHg) and protein in the urine (proteinuria) after 20 weeks gestation. Research shows that preeclampsia may be caused by abnormalities in the development of the placenta, genetic or environmental factors, and … Read more

Newborn: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

The first few months of life, known as the newborn phase, are vital for both the child’s physical adaptation to extrauterine life as the neonate begins to breathe, suckle, swallow, digest, and eliminate naturally. Throughout their first year, infants continue to mature quickly, learning new skills as they engage with their environment. Physical milestones include: … Read more

Postpartum Hemorrhage: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is a serious complication occurring after childbirth. 1-5% of mothers will experience PPH which the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines as a blood loss of greater than 1,000 mL of blood along with signs of hypovolemia. Primary PPH can occur up to 24 hours after delivery while secondary PPH … Read more