Bipolar Disorder Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by very high moods (manic or hypomanic episodes) and depression. There are several types of bipolar disorder.  Manic and hypomania (a less severe form of mania) include the following symptoms:  Depressive episodes, on the other hand, affect day-to-day activities:  Bipolar disorder is a life-long mental illness and … Read more

Major Depression Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by intense and persistent feelings of sadness and a loss of interest or enjoyment in things once loved. Major depressive disorder affects how you think and feel and can cause severe emotional symptoms and even thoughts that life isn’t worth living anymore.  Major depression can affect not only the … Read more

Schizophrenia Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the way a person thinks, perceives information, responds emotionally, and behaves. There are different types of schizophrenia that produce their own set of clinical manifestations.  Schizophrenia symptoms can be divided into positive or negative categories:  Positive symptoms are in addition to reality and include symptoms of psychosis such … Read more